Support In a Time of Change

Many individuals and couples begin their journey into parenthood with much excitement and hope – believing it will be everything it’s promised to be. However, this profound life transition and personal transformation can come with many unexpected and difficult challenges – challenges that can leave individuals and couples feeling blindsided, devastated, alone, and overwhelmed. Are you saying to yourself, “this isn’t at all what I expected?” or “why didn’t anyone tell me?”

If you are, you are certainly not alone. Here are some questions to consider in determining whether pregnancy & postpartum therapy may be beneficial to you:

  • Are you experiencing the heartache of a miscarriage or loss?
  • Are you on the infertility roller coaster? Feeling like having a baby is never going to happen? Like you are the only one in this baby abundant world that can’t get pregnant?
  • Are you pregnant and unhappy or anxious? Wondering how you are going to cope with a new baby?
  • Is this ‘magical’ time feeling like anything but that?
  • Have you been diagnosed with Postpartum Depression?
  • Wondering if this is how motherhood is supposed to feel?
  • Worried about how your marriage or partnership is going to survive?

‘Mindful Mamas’ by Dr. Laurel Hicks offers a safe and compassionate space to talk, to cry, to be angry, to share those thoughts and feelings you feel you can’t. To let go of the pressure to be strong, perfect, or in control. Our prenatal and postnatal counseling & support services can help you feel less alone, offer you some relief, and a renewed sense of hope that things will get better. To feel all the emotions of this profound journey without being distressed, overwhelmed, or controlled by them. And it’s a place where couples can reconnect when the challenges of this journey are pulling them apart.

Laurel Hicks, PhD, LCSW is Licensed in Colorado, Indiana and Michigan and specializes in prenatal / postnatal wellness.